I want to take a few words to apologize for the lack in posts over the past few months. Yes, months. So sad. Recently, Hide and Seek has been doing a bit more hiding, but more importantly, moving! That's right, two months ago I packed up and moved to New York to follow my dream to pursue a career in the fashion industry and live out the curiosity of what living in New York City is all about.
In the short amount of time being here I have learned many valuable things, such as time moves faster than people wittingly joke about, you can always find a bakery on any corner to satisfy your sweet tooth (even when you thought yours didn't exist), the cost of groceries is outlandish and naturally, fashion takes on a whole new meaning in this town alone.
Every day I take the subway to work where I spend 8 hours each day learning, teaching, selling and loving clothes from Anthropologie. Every other day or so, I motivate myself to walk home for the exercise and of course to people watch. Travelling from Rockefeller Center to Chelsea drags me through a variety of neighorhoods, where I have the pleasure of passing by an outrageous number of people conveying different fashion statements. Whether the styles make me smile, laugh or gasp, I take it all in and...well, lets just say I no longer have an excuse not to post an entry to this site on a daily basis. Now of course schedules can get tricky, but to my biggest fan's (my mother) request, I will be posting more thoughts and comments on my usual fashion favorites, and now the favorite people and styles I pass on my way to or from work.
Welcome to my New York and hopefully a more attention filled, light-hearted and fashion inspired Hide and Seek.
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