Now, when I say thrift store...I mean real thrift store. Not to be confused with vintage thrift stores. There was a time when vintage thrift stores popped up all over cities and larger suburban areas to everyone's glee and excitement. But now, more and more shops tend to let us down with their just plain silly pricing. People are getting smart. When it comes to everyday needs versus wants, the authentic thrift stores are where its at.
Next time you're in the mall and shopping for a great bargain, but you can't quite bring yourself to compromise price for quality, head to your local Salvation Army and start your search for prized treasure. Some of you might be squirming at the thought of pre-worn clothing but rest assured that places like Salvation Army, Beacon's Closet and Arizona Trading Company only sell clothes that have been "gently" worn. Once you get over this irrational fear, you'll discover a mecca of rows and rows of quality clothing. In my experience, I have found unique one-of-a-kind pieces as well as classic clothing from retailers such as Banana Republic and J.Crew.

What's great about thrift stores goes beyond the extremely low price tag, its all about the experience. Peeking through the endless sea of clothing and accessories opens up a level of creativity and imagination that department stores and retailers cut out from your shopping experience. You now have the opportunity to select pieces and create combinations that are not clearly laid out and pre-determined for you. And, if you are a true shopper at heart, this is what you're really after in the first place: creativity.
I love the feeling I get when I leave a thrift store. I spend hours getting lost in the colors, patterns and trends opportunities in front of me and always come away with pieces that I discovered and hand selected for me and me only. I know that I won't see the same thing walking down the street. What's even better is that I get to challenge myself to try new styles that I normally wouldn't wear, often because I don't want to invest money in priceier pieces I find at larger retailers.
So go out and try it on for size. Thrift stores are a fun place to be, whether its by yourself or with a few friends. And, when you walk out the door with 6 items and only had to spend $25, you'll be more then happy you ventured off the couch and into the cold.